

Call to the customer care number on the website that will put you in touch with our technician of your city or location.

You will get an authorized confirmation SMS that contains the complete details of the technician visiting your premises along with contact information.

We undertake services from installation, cleaning, repair to services of the home appliances and electronic devices.

Yes, you get the limited warranty to the extent of service or repair provided by us.

It would be rare case that the technician not reaching you on time, we will ensure that immediate arrangement is made for the next visit.

Our services are provided by the qualified technicians, you are assured of getting the best possible assistance from us.

Once the complaint is booked within 2hours the technician will visit you premise to understand the issue. They might fix it on the spot or would take maximum of 48hrs in case of spare parts replacement.

Yes, we will defiantly help you out with it, as DoorStepIndia Center stock up the spare parts.

Yes, only prior to an hour of work procedure.

Yes, we do understand the last minute changes may at times necessitate a reschedule or cancellation of job. However, we would have confirmed the executives already assigned to the job and hence for the liable of income opportunity. We would accept cancellations by retaining 5% of the booked amount and some cancellations may be exempted from this amount that the sole discretion of DoorStepIndia Center.

DoorStepIndia Center will investigate into the issue and will take necessary steps required for rectifying it with appropriate assistance.

Customized job necessitate on-site inspection, one of our executive will inspect and provide the quotation, once it’s approved by you and we would start the job with 50% of advance amount realization.

Our Disclamier The information and data provided on the DoorstepIndia website are intended solely for service-related purposes. Any services or messages you receive through this platform are not a substitute for advice, programs, or treatments you would typically seek from a licensed professional. Consequently, DoorstepIndia.com offers no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind and is not liable for how the information and data are interpreted or used by recipients. Additionally, DoorstepIndia.com is not a registered firm. All transactions and collected data are handled by Greatmove Technologies Private Limited.